Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Disaster for TSH

Sr Headmistress is leaving at the end of this academic year and her replacement has been found. Her replacement comes from within the school, an internal replacement, and is just about the worst person ever. It is the homophobic head of sixth who tried to tell Mother Dearest about her big fat lesbo of a daughter. The one who tried, against the advice of the current head of year, to inform my Mother that her daughter was a lesbian (to put it more formally) explicitely against my will.

Say i'm holding a grudge; i'll agree. But her behaviour i will never forget. Ever.

It is this woman, whose "moral convictions" drove her to want to -effectively- destroy the life of a young person who was in her duty of care. "Moral convictions" are utter bollocks. How she acted was due to bare faced, unadulterated homophobia fuelled by religious fundamentalism. And TSH will no doubt worsen in its hardline approach to individuality now she has been appointed head.

It is pricesly the attitude taken by Her, the embodyment of that attitude by the Schools Governers that filters down to grass roots level, which caused me to have such an awful time throughout my secondary education. It's that attitude which results in so many LGBT teens killing themselves. Because they just can not take it anymore. And that attitude will intensify within TSH now that she has been appointed head.

Sr Headmistress was scary and strict, but i truely believe that in her heart, she cared about the girls. She, honestly, has an agenda of her own. What is best for the individual does not come into play in her mind, only Church Propa-fucking-ganda. Jesus would cry if he saw her. But that's what you get if you're Catholic. That's what the Church represents. And that is why reconsiling one's faith with one's sexuality is an incredibly hard feat.

I do loathe Her. I really do. And i shall complain to a trusted teacher about her treatment and attitude towards LGB people, anonymously, before i leave. I may even contact the LEA. Because, my god, if another girl has to go through what i did because of her i will scream.

1 comment:

Sleepy said...

Easy, dred, Easy...
Don't react while you are angry.
Keep your head down until after exams.
Then set about fucking her up!
As they say, 'revenge is a dish best served cold'.

When you are ready, drop me an email and using my 'inside knowledge' I'll tell you how to fuck her up!!