Friday, 23 January 2009

What i did today..

I've not blogged in a few days.
Well, maybe perhaps two.
I have developed a love,
For structuring my scentences,
as though they were;
a poem.

It is quite a fun thing to do really, adds a slightly different emphasis as to the interpretation of your meaning. The Semester Test was yesterday. It feels almost as though it were days ago, as though so much has happened between then and now. But anyway, the main exam was yesterday and it didn't go as well as planned. It was very hard, harder than i'm used to. A lot harder, as in, i didn't know at least 20% of the answers. I just didn't, i couldn't remember them, or hadn't even known what on earth the questions was actually talking about to begin with. It was rather daunting, but now i don't actually mind. I might have done quite crap; i might have actually failed, but i'm not going to stress about it now. I'll stress about it three days before the results are published, i know i will, so i've decided that one stress test is bad enough. I'm going to give myself a break.

In other thoughts, i keep thinking, well i don't really keep thinking it, it just comes into my mind once in a while on a Special Occasion, but anyway, i keep thinking how beautiful it would be to kiss someone, just as they appreciated a moment at the same time as you.

OK, i've not explained this very well at all. I Picked Up yesterday, as a treat to myself, and Hg and i got a tad Happy. I was very Happy, with the big constant grin accompanied by dry mouth, and she was ... mediumly Happy, but if you ask me i think she was very Happy too, just in denial, and we watched this video, on youtube; Seaglopur, by Sigor Ros. It was beautiful, perfectly. It was actually perfect, in almost every way. And it was the imperfections which made it better, but basically, it was touching, in a very human, organic way. And then the conversation progressed onto how life is like waiting for the beat to drop, as exemplified by the Scroobius Pip track..and we started to recognise when, in the conversation, or in any human interaction, where the beat dropped. We began to recognise the break down, the climax to the story that you're friend is telling you -the hand gestures have just stepped up to the next level- and then there's a pause, of perhaps a few moments, and it drops, and there you have the halarity of the moment, as though a massive bass line has just been pumped through the speakers inducing absolute illation within you.

Or, perhaps not in a club. But with any music, there is always the break down and the drop and if the music lacks an element of the two, it will bore me to death. So, when this mythical "beat" drops, it's amazing, because it's what you've been waiting for. The artist has delivered.

But then, we had a real beat dropping moment. We both realised, at the same time, that we had mixed these two songs together. The Scroobious Pip song, and another by Sigur Ros. And we looked at each other, and it was really beautiful. The moment was beautiful.

And i've been thinking, that at that exact moment, when two people connect on such a level that they are able to think the same thought at the same time and appreciate the beauty of such a thing, become aware of that, and than have the ability to share that awareness; it would be the perfect moment to kiss.

I feel i am well along the way to becoming a Fairy.

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