Wednesday, 27 February 2008

It's tommorow

Perhaps the most important interveiw of my life is tommorow. And i'm nervous already.

And i've still not figured out how to answer the question "why do you want to be a doctor."

I was once told "never say it's because you want to help people" and that thought just sticks out, glaringly in my mind. Which makes the answer almost impossible to formulate because the answer genuinely is; because i want to help people! Oh well, i'm probably stressing over nothing. I should just walk in and just be myself. But then i think "oh no, i have to get all these words and phrases in and i have to make links and show off that i do all this stuff" and it buggers up the thought process a bit.


I'll of course write every excruciating detail on here tommorow evening. Then i'll stress some more. And then i'll probably resove to forget about it because there's nothing i can do.