- RE - 80/90
- Biology - 78/90
- Chemistry - 79/90
I think, on the whole, thats a very respectable set of results, given that they are in A2 examinations, which, many say, are the hardest you sit in your life. The pressure has momentarily been removed. I can breath a sigh of relief, i still have a chance.
But the key word, the most essential word in the thinking ramifying from these results, is chance. I have not made it yet. There are still 210 UMS points to gain until the entire A-level course is finished, and those are enough to fuck up on. I have a chance, i do not have a guaranteed firmly accepted, unconditional offer. And i have to remember that. Zero complacency.
100% effort in all work. Only 100% is good enough now, because that is what i gave to achieve those results. And that was why i was so scared to receive them because, if they were not good enough, then my best, my 100% was not enough. And there was no way i could make up the points. But now i can see my 100% is good enough. And i consistently have to give that. Until all exams are over. Because to loose out now, would haunt me forever.
I need AAB but what i'm aiming for is AAA, not because if i aim higher than needed and fail it's alright as i still am safe but because i believe i can get AAA. And i would always, always, remember and regret underachieving.
I have a theory on underachieving academically and it is this; to deliberately underachieve through laziness and complacency is to spit in the faces of both those who have the ability but not the means to achieve and those who have the means but lack the ability. Because both those without the means and those without the ability try to achieve and hopefully succeed through sheer determination, but they have to try infinitely harder, overcoming many more barriers than the underachiever. To the underachiever it comes naturally, and to not appreciate the difficulty with which some struggle to achieve what they find easy, is selfish. #
However, if you do appreciate the struggle which others have and still choose to underachieve, you are an idiot. Which is unfortunately what i think of my stoner friend who is most happy achieving C's in his A-levels when he is perfectly capable (but too stoned) to achieve A's. And i tell him so. And he laughs. That's what too much weed does to you!
Never doubted you for a minute.
Underachieving? Easy Dred! Easy....
I don't think people who delibrately under-achieve are idiots...
you have to think about pressures...if you spent your whole life where people are telling you that you're clever, and having everyone expecting you to have the right answer everytime...it's not a great feeling, because you feel you have to meet these standards...and you know you'll get a whole queue of morons hoping you will fail so that they can taunt you about it (which might not bother you, but they'll expect it to)
And as it is...I feel by underachieving, you get a great weight lifted off of your shoulders...knowing that you ARE human, and it isn't so terrible if you fail
A reason for underachieving could simply be because people don't find things challenging enough, and so refuse to perform to the best of their abilities about it
I think its harsh of you to call them idiots, but i respect your opinions about it and can see where your coming from
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